Red & Green Wraparound Glasses
Very stylish, modern-looking wraparound anaglyphic (red/green) glasses that offer a functional advantage when used in vision testing and therapy - they do not let in any side light regardless of where the patient moves his or her eyes or head. In this design, no white or ambient light interferes with the testing or therapy routines - each eye receives the maximum, proper color experience.
The Wraparound Glasses are ideal for use in diplopia tests, convergence insufficiency disorder testing, heterophoria and other testing, as well as in vision therapy routines such as red/green anti-suppression exercises.
The red and green color lenses have been designed to produce the proper hue and tint. The lenses are 100% accurate in the cancellation of Worth 4 Dot tests, Three Character Tests, and also are the proper tints that match most Lancaster Red-Green Tests, Hess Screen Test colors, and commonly used vision therapy exercises that require patients to wear red/green lenses.
Available for both adult and child patients.