FusioBox Visual Trainer
FusioBox creates images that are presented separately to left and right can then be seen by the observer as meaning-giving overall shape, as fusion image. The images of one another in the right-left laterally offset distance, adjustable in 11 different stages. Due to the distance variations can almost each subject will be picked up in his vergence state (despite phoria or heterophoria). That is, the distance can be chosen in one of the 11 levels that the subject can easily merge two pictures. By further changes in distance anyway, the merger be maintained. This is the practice effect for the expansion of the fusion width.
Over 40 different glowing or flashing shapes and patterns are selectable and right left independently adjustable in brightness.
The FusioBox is designed for children with low fusion, with abnormalities in measurements of the OEP, the Duktions in the distance (# 10 + 11) as well as in the vicinity (# 16B + 17B), in phoria or heterophoria, LRS, Dislexie, amblyopia, etc.
The Fusio-Box can also be used for training pupils, students, and adults who perform a lot of computer work. The resulting symptoms such as headache and blurred vision from excessive use can be overcome with training.