This kit provides an easy and affordable way to upgrade your current low vision office lanes, or build an entirely new lane from scratch. You get quality made products at a huge discount. Order three or more kits for even more savings.
Kit Includes:
- LEA SYMBOLS® Single Symbol Book
- LEA SYMBOLS® Near Vision Card
- LEA SYMBOLS® Pocket Near Card
- LEA SYMBOLS® Low Contrast Test, 10M
- LEA GRATINGS®, a Preferential Looking Test
- HIDING HEIDI™ Low Contrast Face Test
- LEA SYMBOLS® Chart for Vision Rehabilitation
- LEA NUMBERS® Low Contrast Test, 10M
- LEA NUMBERS® 15-Line Distance Chart
- LEA NUMBERS® Chart for Vision Rehabilitation
- LEA NUMBERS® Vision Rehabilitation Training Paddles
- LEA SYMBOLS® Pocket Box Stick
- LEA SYMBOLS® Low Vision Book
- LEA NUMBERS® Low Vision Book
- Low Vision Chart Stands
- Sloan Letter Near Vision Card
- Sloan Letter Low Contrast Flip Chart
- Runge Low Vision Near Card
- Low Vision Reading Card
- Spanish Low Vision Continuous Reading Card
- "Game & Number" Pocket