ColorCheck Complete Vision Screener
Good-Lite has simplified our color book offering to just one that covers both adults and pediatrics. The ColorCheck also adheres to both government and military requirements for color vision screening. No longer wonder which color book is right for you since Good-Lite combined all our previous offerings into one easy to use color book.
This test offers both LEA NUMBERS® and Pediatric LEA SYMBOLS® screening for protan/deutan (red/green) and plates screening for tritan (blue/yellow). Color plates are larger making the screening of children, adults and low vision patients much easier.
Adult color plates include 1 demonstration plate, 14 plates screening for protan/deutan (red/green), and 3 plates screening for tritan (blue/yellow) color deficiencies.
Pediatric color plates include 1 demonstration plate and 7 plates screening for protan/deutan (red/green) using LEA Symbols.
Printed on both sides.
Includes user-friendly instructions, tabbed sections, and protective coating on each test page.